I am feeling very old. Look at these kids, who do they belong to? They look like very grown up versions of my kids but surly they can't be mine. Really homecoming was a blast this year. Bridger and Madi ended up going in the same group and had a really good time together. They boys went all out and made sure it was a night the girls will never forget. Madison went with Cole Owens and Bridger went with Madison Busenbark.
Another fun activity of home coming is the powder puff football game. Madi had so much fun playing and made the only interception of the game for her team. She wasn't scared of the ball she just reached up and caught it. I told her it looked like she was going after a softball. (All those softballs to the face finally paid off. LOL) Here are some fun pics. of my very feminine little girl with her friend Rachelle, her grandma, and Jordan. What a Girl!

Check out Grandmas Muscles. She has been working out but we think the Tat is a little over the top!

My gosh! I can't believe how old your kids look!!!
Wow! Madison sure has grown up! Bridger looks great as well - still the same though as I remember him. :)
Oh my word, Madi stop right now, growing up that is! She is so pretty! Bridger you are very handsome as well and look like you are about ready to go on a mission.... what's the latest on that?
I love seeing your pictures! I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen you. I still remember Ross as a little boy riding his big wheel when you guys lived in the condos near us. Good luck on the wedding!!
Wow Cindy I havent seen or heard from you since you left RV! I must say we miss you and your creativity! Its great to see your kids are doing so well-my how time flys!
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