OK time may heal all things but this is one thing that is going to take a little longer then others. Austin is doing
OK but still pretty miserable. He said all he wants for Christmas is a new leg. Ross had a pretty good laugh when he called Christmas morning and
Austin told him the news about his
ankle. Ross is doing great and is on a
major count down. He will be home in 10 days. I can hardly believe it is that close. It feels like Christmas is still out there and we are waiting for it to come. It is nice to have something to look forward to in Jan. which is the one month I really hate.
Those 10 days will speed by. For Ross it will go slowly. I remember the countdown coming home from my mission. What an exciting time for your family! Austin - I hope your foot/ankle feels better soon!
hey i found your blog through cory and kinleys. i hope its okay that i check in on you guys once in a while and add you to my list. i miss you all and wish we could see eachother more often!
best of luck to you and your family!
much love,
shaneece ricks
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